Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of GuarDyan_PhysModel

Feb 13, 2018, 3:51:14 PM (6 years ago)



  • GuarDyan_PhysModel

    v11 v12  
    2525Similarly, a time-energy spectrum is registered in this case as well.
    27 === Verification Results
     27=== Verification Results - simple spherical geometry
    2929For each isotope a figure has been created for visual inspection see Fig. 2. Separate figures are energy spectra of the number of particles crossing the sphere outer surface divided by the starting particle number, each figure belongs to a separate time interval.
    6666**Table I. Correlation of $\chi$^2^  values with number of sampling of a certain ACE law**
     68ACE Law 3 and 61 for higher starting neutron energies show almost zero correlation coefficient, i.e. at energies where the ratio of sampling number to elastic scattering is the highest, yielding the conclusion that the law sampling is less to suspect. For fissile materials the simulation chain lengths vary with number of collisions in a chain following geometrical distribution yielding a less robust estimation. ACE Law 4 shows the same behavior but higher energies still show higher correlation coefficients while this sampling process is very often called for most of the isotopes. Further research will target the solution of this issue.
     70=== Verification Results - Simple subcritical assembly
     72Neutrons were started again in the middle of the geometry, with 10MeV starting energy. In the first three time intervals the neutrons thermalize and from the fourth time step on fission neutrons start to appear, and for the last time step the fission neutrons dominate the spectrum again. For this process neutrons had to transverse geometry, select interaction, slow down by scattering reactions, captured by absorption and finally escape or induce fission. As Fig. 6 shows every important reaction for a reactor neutronics is sampled and the previously shown isotope-by-isotope validation process also matches MCNP results for a –though very simplified, but still a -.reactor application