= GUARDYAN GUARDYAN (GpU Assisted Reactor DYnamic ANalysis) is a Monte Carlo based neutrontransport program running on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) for simulating '''reactor transients'''. The simulation tracks neutrons in a three dimensional space bounded by second degree surfaces while they interact with the isotopes present in the region. Cross Section Data may be given in ACE (A Compact ENDF ) format coming from ENDF (Evaluated Nuclear Data File) cross section table. The current version of the code supports time- and temperature dependent cross sections, thermal feedback is included in future releases. [wiki:GuarDyan_features Keep reading ] on Guardyan. || [[Image(VVER440_v1.png, 100%)]] ||[[Image(woodcock_elastic-scatter.3.png, 100%)]] || [[Image(hexagon_lattice_v3.jpg, 100%)]] || || [[Image(hexy-hexyk.jpg, 80%)]] || ---- GUARDYAN (GPU Assisted Reactor Dynamic Analysis) fejlesztői segédlete [wiki:GuarDyan_fejlesztoi itt található]. [[Image(NRDI.jpg, 80%)]]