Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of WikiStart

Feb 13, 2018, 11:51:05 AM (6 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v17 v18  
    11= GUARDYAN
    3 GUARDYAN (GPU Assisted Reactor Dynamic Analysis) is a continuous energy Monte Carlo (MC) neutron transport code developed at Budapest University of Technology and Economics ([ BME]). It targets to solve time-dependent problems related to fission reactors with the main focus on simulating and analyzing short transients. The key idea of GUARDYAN is a massively parallel execution structure making use of advanced programming possibilities available on CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) enabled GPUs (Graphics Processing Units).  [[Image(BME_OR_1e-6s_n2e24_neutrondensity_Guardyan_v3r.jpg, right)]]
    5  || GUARDYAN (GPU Assisted Reactor Dynamic Analysis) is a continuous energy Monte Carlo (MC) neutron transport code developed at Budapest University of Technology and Economics ([ BME]). It targets to solve time-dependent problems related to fission reactors with the main focus on simulating and analyzing short transients. The key idea of GUARDYAN is a massively parallel execution structure making use of advanced programming possibilities available on CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) enabled GPUs (Graphics Processing Units). ||[[Image(BME_OR_1e-6s_n2e24_neutrondensity_Guardyan_v3r.jpg, right)]] ''Neutron density distribution in the BME Training reactor calculated by GUARDYAN'' ||
     4 || GUARDYAN (GPU Assisted Reactor Dynamic Analysis) is a continuous energy Monte Carlo (MC) neutron transport code developed at Budapest University of Technology and Economics ([ BME]). It targets to solve time-dependent problems related to fission reactors with the main focus on simulating and analyzing short transients. The key idea of GUARDYAN is a massively parallel execution structure making use of advanced programming possibilities available on CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) enabled GPUs (Graphics Processing Units). ||[[Image(BME_OR_1e-6s_n2e24_neutrondensity_Guardyan_v3r.jpg, 400px, title=Neutron density distribution in the BME Training reactor calculated by GUARDYAN)]] ''Neutron density distribution in the BME Training reactor calculated by GUARDYAN'' ||
    76[wiki:GuarDyan_features = Keep reading ]